All Shining & Elite stars have the option of adding solos, duos, trios or extra group routines. You will indicate interest in your extra routines on your registration form and we will follow-up with you for scheduling and placement by end the of July. Extra routines will be added as space is permitted, meaning not everyone will necessarily be awarded an extra routine. If space is limited the extra routines will be chosen by seniority, attitide, effort and previous attendance. Please remember being selected for extra routines is a privilege that required extra work and that you are always representing IDC!
Solo lessons will be booked in 30 minute increments. Each soloist must have at least 2 lessons booked per month to be eligible for a solo. We recommend doing a weekly lesson, if time permits. Make sure to arrive to your lesson stretched and ready to go!
Solo Lesson Pricing
30 Minute Lesson Bi-Weekly = $45/month
30 Minute Lesson Weekly = $85/month
45 Minute Lesson Bi-Weekly = $55/month
45 Minute Weekly = $100/month
Solo Competition Fees
$155 per competition
These will be billed as part of your monthly fees Sept-March.
$365 total entries/7 months = $52 per month
Solo Costume Fees
Your costume is entirely dependent on your routine and your budget. Your costume fee will be approved by you prior to purchase.
Duo/Trio lessons will be booked in 30 or 45 minute increments. Each duo/trio must have at least 2 lessons booked per month to be eligible to compete. We recommend doing a weekly lesson, if time permits. Make sure to arrive to your lesson stretched and ready to go!
Duo/Trio Lesson Pricing
30 Minute Lesson Bi-Weekly = $45/month
30 Minute Lesson Weekly = $85/month
45 Minute Lesson Bi-Weekly = $55/month
45 Minute Weekly = $100/month
Duo/Trio Competition Fees
$90 per competition
These will be billed as part of your monthly fees Sept-March.
$270 total entries/7 months = $39 per month
Duo/Trio Costume Fees
Your costume is entirely dependent on your routine and your budget. Your costume fee will be approved by you prior to purchase.
In the event that we have enough dancers that would like to compete in more routines we will add routines. On your season registration, please indicate if you would like to ADD any additional group routines on top of the current number assigned (Mini Stars 2, Shining Stars 3, Elite Stars 4). The style of dance will be determined by the participants and their skills.
Extra Group Lesson Pricing
60 Minute Weekly Lesson = $30/month
Extra Group Competition & Costume Fees
$210 Comp Fees + $150 Costume = $370
These will be billed as part of your monthly fees Sept-March.
$370 total entries/7 months = $52 per month
© 2020. Indiana Dance Company. All Rights Reserved